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Engin Altan Düzyatan was born on 26.07.1979 in İzmir. Having graduated from the Drama Department of 9 Eylül University, the artist came to İstanbul, and began his acting career. The artist has also graduated from the Master’s Program on Advanced Acting Techniques of Bahçeşehir University. The artist was given the “Best Actor” award at “Los Angeles Movie Awards” in 2012 for his performance in the movie titled “Bir Avuç Deniz“. Having acted in the plays titled “Anna Karenina ve DOT“, and “Kürklü Merkür” at Kenter Theatre, he directed the play titled “Dar Ayakkabı İle Yaşamak” at Diyarbakır State Theatre. In the meantime, the artist hosted a quiz show titled “Tatlı Para” featured on Show TV. The artist is to host the History Quiz Show program titled “3’te 3” to be featured on TRT 1 Channel in the coming season. While the world is at the brink of the water problem to hit the planet in the near future, in Africa 53% of the population still have no access to fresh water, women and children have to walk kilometers to reach unclean springs, and 3 out of 10 African children are dying due to diseases caused by polluted water resources. In order to draw attention to this problem, the artist went to Africa in 2014 and 2017, took wild nature photos there, and opened a photograph exhibition with them titled “Sen de Tanık Ol” in November 2017. He has initiated a social responsibility project to bring about water well and smart village projects in Africa with the revenue he gained from the said exhibition.  

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