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After graduating from Izmir Scientific High School, he studied Industrial Engineering at Middle Eastern Technical University. He completed the Graduate Program on Engineering and Technology Management at Bogazici University. In 2008, he began working at Microsoft Turkey, working on business planning and finance, where he was responsible for over 60 countries in the Middle East and Africa. He continued contributing to YGA, an NGO he began volunteering for when he was in university. He relocated to Eskisehir to work as a teacher for YGA. In 2013, he quit his volunteering position to travel the world. During a world tour that lasted for 2 years, he visited over 100 cities in 26 countries. After returning to Turkey he launched Piri, a mobile application that facilitates the lives of travelers, with several YGA alumni. A TeknoTIM and YGA product, Piri enables travelers to discover cities through the voice of famous tour guides.

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