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Akan has 15 years of experience in marketing strategies, brand management and market research. For long years he held the position of Head of Strategy and Planning at Grey Advertising. He also was one of the 12 strategy leaders at Grey Group Worldwide global strategy council. He has been a member of the Advertising Self-Regulatory Board. He was  juror at Kırmızı and Effie. His work has been deemed worthy of numerous gold Effie awards. He founded FutureBright and the Behavioural Institute. Today both companies are among the fastest growing companies in Turkey. FutureBright Group has over 250 brands in its portfolio. Even though FutureBright is not an advertising agency, is ranked among Effie’s top of European rankings. He founded ZMET Institute in 2016 and became the ninth global partner of Olson Zaltman & Associates for Turkey and the region. Today, ZMET Institute is one of the fastest growing neuromarketing companies in Turkey. He is a TEDx and Intel TechTalks Speaker. World famous Daily Telegraph has covered a story on his strategic views. He holds a teaching post at İstanbul Bilgi University, Brand School.

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