Big Data & Artificial Intelligence

As a result of our numberless digital actions, we leave numberless digital footprints everyday. Our big data, the totality of these traces, is processed by artificial intelligence-based tools and it serves as a prediction machine about the future, tomorrow or an hour from now and what the next decision will be. Big Data projects developed with the help of the new technology have begun to perform useful tasks not only for production, finance or other sectors of the business, but also to prevent health problems, natural disasters, crime or events that have negative effects on society. However, the ever-increasing and rapidly evolving use of Big Data brings along ethical questions. Such as data privacy, data security pr discriminatory usage of data.

Parallel doubts to this, have long been evolved about the use of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence being at the center of the cult works of science fiction is a result of how much it is in everyday life and how much it occupies a place on daily the agenda. One of the tangible examples to this is the social change that resulted as automation gradually replaced human work. According to futurist, thought leader and author Bernard Marr, one of the most significant facts about artificial intelligence is the low rate of AI knowledge among the members of an organization, from design to management, to all departments. According to Marr, the world will develop much faster after understanding the potential of AI and what is possible with it.

The use of data has been changing the world, its current capacity shows what it can achieve tomorrow. Data, the vital asset for the business, contains transformative innovative technologies such as business analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning that have accurate predictive capabilities. For this reason, it remains as the main force behind digital transformation.

Join us and explore many other aspects of big data projects and the future of artificial intelligence with Bernard Marr at Brand Week Istanbul.