
Prof. Dr. Aylin İlden Koçkar

Baby Mental Health Association, President

Bebek Ruh Sağlığı Derneği Başkanı || Baby Mental Health Association, President

Prof. Dr. Aylin İlden Koçkar

Baby Mental Health Association, President

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After completing her undergraduate education in the Department of Psychology at the Middle East Technical University, she completed her master's and doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology. In 2013, she became an associate professor in the field of Clinical Psychology, and in 2018, she became a full professor. She worked at the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases. She continued her academic work at Bilkent University, Atılım University, and Altınbaş University. She is currently working as a part-time faculty member in the Psychology Department at Bilgi University. Her focus areas include evaluating emotional and mood disorders in infancy, early childhood, childhood, and adolescence, assessing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and creating attachment-based support mechanisms.

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