
Pelin Hekimoğlu

Arçelik Türkiye, Brand and Marketing Communication Director

Arçelik Türkiye, Marka ve Pazarlama İletişimi Direktörü || Arçelik Türkiye, Brand and Marketing Communication Director

Pelin Hekimoğlu

Arçelik Türkiye, Brand and Marketing Communication Director

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Pelin Hekimoğlu graduated from Marmara University with a degree in Public Relations and Advertising and later completed her MBA program at Yeditepe University. She began her professional career in 1999 at Arçelik, a company within the Koç Group, working in the Human Resources department. Until 2006, she took on various responsibilities in international sales and marketing across multiple countries where the company operated in Europe. From 2006 to 2010, she worked on different projects as the head of brand and marketing activities for Bloomberg in Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. In 2010, she assumed the position of marketing manager responsible for the European markets, a role she held until 2016. Afterward, Hekimoğlu became one of the project leaders for Arçelik Turkey's Omni-Channel transformation, supporting the development of dealers and service networks by establishing the Retail Academy and the internal communication channel, Retail TV, while managing the branding processes. Since 2023, she has been serving as the Marketing Communications Director for the Arçelik and Beko brands.

Hekimoğlu plays an active role in gender equality projects within the group and is one of the founders of the "Kadının İşi Gücü" (Women's Work and Empowerment) project, launched with the Beko brand in 2019. She is also a member of Lead Network Turkey, an organization that supports women's workforce participation in the retail sector.

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